About The Time Angel Series

Miela Berg McCormick IS the Time Angel in author Sherry Lee’s historical romance novels:

The beautiful actress, Eva Green was my inspiration while creating the appearance for Miela’s character: a beautiful woman who is gutsy, with excellent coping skills; making fast decisions and cunning choices. NO SHRINKING VIOLET HERE!

Mysterious Ways by Sherry Lee - Book CoverRead Miela’s first experience in Mysterious Ways: When Miela spends her first night at the historic Kammerzell House in Strasbourg, France, she is approached by an employee of the hotel who tells her she resembles the woman in an antique portrait in storage at the hotel. She even has the same ring the woman in the portrait is wearing. Miela awakes, discovers her surroundings have changed and all her personal belongings have disappeared. She discovers she is in the year 1436, where she knows of only one person: Johannes Gutenberg, but discovers he has no ideas of inventing a printing press. Miela takes it upon herself to become the catalyst in assuring the invention of the press, securing the future world we know today. But along the way, she falls in love with the unassuming man who suffers with self-doubt and misgivings about his financial future. She finds a man capable of loving her for her beauty and her brains; as no man before has ever done. Together they embark on a mission fraught with financial challenges, betrayal, bigotry and most of all, intense passion. Their love story is an enduring testament of love filled with sacrifices and a belief in timeless love.


Time Angel by Sherry Lee - Book CoverIn Book Two, Time Angel, Miela realizes her true role as God’s representative, as she finds herself in a new time period, 1768 Strasbourg, France. A unique coincidence provides the opportunity to return to the house she shared with Gutenberg, to discover the elderly residents are the in-laws to Louis van Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven’s beloved grandfather. Miela’s life becomes entwined with this dysfunctional family as she learns her new mission for God is to save the life of little Ludwig at the hands of his abusive father, while falling in love with a man that shares the memories of her beloved Johannes. She must find her way in a new time that still does not offer opportunities for women, while starting over alone with a baby boy, accomplishing God’s mission, and establishing a future for herself and little Johann before the beginning of the French Revolution. But she finds the most surprising thing of all, a love and passion she did not believe she could ever feel again after losing her husband. And will she be allowed to spend the rest of her time in this new life she has created for herself and her son, or will she be whisked away to a new assignment?


The Dark Lady by Sherry Lee - Book CoverAND NOW AVAILABLE: THE DARK LADY

Do you think you know about Shakespeare? Do you know he was bisexual?

Do you know he abandoned his wife and children and disappeared for seven years? Wait till you discover what he really was doing during those seven years…come discover The Dark Lady!

William Shakespeare was 18 years old when he married the 26 year old pregnant Anne Hathaway, who lived near his family home in Stratford-upon-Avon. They had a little girl, named Susanna. Two years later, Anne delivered twins, a boy and a girl. Following the birth of the twins, Shakespeare left his home, his wife and his children to venture out on his own. This period of his life is referred to as “the lost years,” as his actual activities are unknown.
Following this time period, Shakespeare began writing sonnets about his “dark lady,” very brooding poems describing her beauty as being “different” from the norms of the period, she possessing dark, dark hair and black eyes. Many scholars have debated throughout history as to the identity of Shakespeare’s mysterious lover, but none has truly ascertained her identity.

In 1999, at the turn of the millennium, Arts & Entertainment Network gathered 100 scholars to choose the most influential people of the past 1,000 years. William Shakespeare ranked as #5 on their list.

But what if Shakespeare was not the deep thinker, wordsmith, writer extraordinaire; often referred to as the greatest writer of the English language, ever? What if he began his adult life as a ne’er do well, sexually confused young man who abandoned his family to “find himself”? Who would change him, mentor him, and challenge him? What if a beautiful young woman from the 21st century entered Will’s life to teach him the things he needed to know, and help him realize his great potential as well as the importance of love, responsibility and personal honor? Read what happens when God’s Time Angel falls into his life, literally. Discover what happened during “the lost years” that would create the man known as the “Bard of Avon”…