Historical Romance

Time Angel Series

Mysterious Ways by Sherry Lee - Book Cover

Time Angel Series

Time Angel by Sherry Lee - Book Cover
The Dark Lady by Sherry Lee - Book Cover

Miela Berg McCormick IS the Time Angel. A beautiful woman who is gutsy, with excellent coping skills; making fast decisions and cunning choices.
If you’ve ever thought about a significant, world changing event or person and wondered how different the world we know today would be if the person had never achieved their accomplishment, YOU should read these books! READ MORE

Finally, time travel with a purpose! I loved the strong female time traveling character, . . . Miela's love affair with Johannes Gutenberg captured my heart; he was the man every woman hopes to find! And the description of scenes and settings made me feel I was in the room and a part of the story - it is a very "visual" read. I couldn't put this one down ... can't wait for the next one! —DIANA PICKERING

Thought-provoking ... WOW! The enduring love between the characters and hot sex were pretty great too. A must read! —LISA LYON

I love reading historical fiction and time travel stories. These books combine actual historical events and people with fictional scenarios, and hooked me! I liked the strength and faith of Miela in finding God’s purpose for her. I look forward to more of her adventures! —JANIS SORENSON

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